WWW Wednesday (10/9/19)

WWW Wednesday is hosted by Sam @ Taking on a World of Words! All you have to do is answers the following three questions: What are you currently reading? What did you recently finish reading? What do you think you’ll read next?

What are you currently reading?

Am 20% through each of these! The Fountains of Silence came out October 1st. It’s a brilliant historical fiction novel. Its 512 pages are split into a whopping 149 chapters. I actually love this, as that setup seems to make the pace more brisk. The chapters shift between different perspectives but each one is plentiful with information that is key to the plot. Depths Awakened was released today, Wednesday October 9th. I have a post prepared for it that will also go live today. This one is a contemporary romance, I usually read at least 1-3+ romances per month so this is one of them. It’s interesting so far and has dual perspectives which is nice.

What did you recently finish reading?

Will have reviews for both of these out this week! Spin The Dawn is a fun YA fantasy with an unusual setting and plot. Cruel Works of Nature is a horror anthology with 11 stories, I was very impressed by this title. It’s pretty underrated, hadn’t heard of it at all until Amanda recommended it for my October reading challenge.

What do you think you’ll read next?

This cover of The Shining. 😮 I need to find it IRL. I wonder why there are lions on the cover though. Anyway, these two I have super high expectations for. Was going to preorder Ninth House and get the lithograph but instead used that money on a local library book sale and bought the biggest most ridiculous haul ever. Stay tuned for a future post about it, best library book sale of my life. They had a bunch of new(er) books, it was unbelievable. Highly recommend library book sales. Requested a physical copy of Ninth House from the library and am hoping to get it very soon.

Thanks for checking out this week’s WWW! What is everyone reading? Are any of the above books on your TBR or have you read them? Loving your thoughts, as always. Thanks again. ❤ ~ Kitty

13 thoughts on “WWW Wednesday (10/9/19)

  1. Spin the Dawn has been on my TBR for a while. Its had so many positive reviews and I’m excited to give it a try – once it’s finished being on constant reserve at my library 😛 Nen’s on a Bardugo kick lately so I’ll recommend to her Ninth House. Awesome week of reading Kitty Marie 🙂 Jen

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